The Nyx Zone

Hey all!

Long story short: my meds are better adjusted now, and I'm able to do things again! So I'm planning to overhaul my entire collective and all the sites it contains! Maybe even add new ones!

To ensure these big updates would be visible, to keep you informed, and to hold myself accountable, I've therefore decided to put up a temporary layout on my sites! So now, if I wanna get rid of this white layout, I have no choice but to update my sites, lol.

So stay tuned, and here's to a productive 2025!


— Nyx

Ye Olde Links

You can still access the other parts of the collective during the big update/maintenance.

Other sites in the collective
Name Description Safe for Work? Updated? Link
The Nyx Zone Main site and collective landing site Yes No
NNNEEERD!!! Update and fandom blog No No
Love! Shrine directory Yes No
Make Love Not War Fanfiction archive No No
Amala Network Megaten fansite links directory Yes No
Megaten Philosophy Anthology Megaten zines landing page Yes No
[title pending] Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne guide Yes No
[title pending] [secret] Yes No
Total number of updated sites so far: 0  

Other Links